Noun: Foolish or silly behavior
Example: Getting caught offering different prices to new customers vs repeat customers in the past in a “test”
They seem to be doing something like it again today:
In the screenshot the left window is logged in to my account, the right is a private browser (no naughty cookies for Amazon to use to identify me), copy/pasted the URL to both sides to ensure that I’m looking at identical items on both sides.
Note the Kindle price varies from $7.99 to $6.39.
UPDATE: Amazon never did respond. Shame.
As someone who spends a fair amount of my income at Amazon, this disturbs me.
Yeah I know what you mean, I pretty much buy whatever I can at Amazon (although I do price check, when they’re significantly more expensive I will shop elsewhere)
I thought they learned their lesson charging different people different prices before, but apparently not.
Waiting for customer service to get back to me about why I was charged a higher price than the publicly posted price, that should be interesting to see.
Got an email blaming “technical problems”
I guess we’ll see. Seems like a bit of an obnoxious “bug” since it’s multiple items.