iPhone 2.0.2

Yesterday Apple released iPhone OS 2.0.2, with the as-detailed-as-expected-from-Apple release notes reading simply “bug fixes” — Great, that helps a lot.

I installed it last night, and to my surprise, a few apps that were crashing before seem to be a little more stable, although it might be just dumb luck as the crashes aren’t 100% consistent. Oh, and another nice treat, the install is fairly quick and installs in place (like 2.0.1) without wiping the iPhone in the process, so you don’t need to reload all your apps/music/etc.

While playing around, I discovered something else that rather annoys me. I don’t connect to iTunes very often, I despite iTunes, but I’m stuck with it for loading music on my iPhone, OS updates, and whatnot, so I do fire up iTunes every once in a while.

For some reason the AppStore feature on the iPhone only notifies you about some updated applications. I had a notification for one application earlier today, and updated it, but it wasn’t until I went to load the new OS that I noticed that there were 10 more iPhone applications with waiting updates, none of which the iPhone AppStore application mentioned. Some of these updates were over two weeks old.


Apple, you have a beautiful piece of hardware, please get a QA team for the software side, or open up your beta program (and yes, I’ll sign an NDA)

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