Blog updates

I’ve made a number of changes to my blog recently that I thought I’d point out, feedback is appreciated on any/all.

First off, I’d love some feedback on the fantastic caricature created by

With the help of Simple Tags WordPress plugin, I was able to clean up my tags. I’d highly recommend this plugin, you can do mass additions, renames, merges and deleted of tags, automatically tag new (and existing) articles based on their content, display that handy “Related Links” near the bottom, all in a nice clean easy to use interface. Especially useful, when creating new posts, after typing the first letter or two of a tag, Simple Tags shows me matching tags, so hopefully the days of having redundant tags like “humour, humor, jokes, funny” are over.

I also have a handy Contact page up at the top of my blog, this one is powered by Contact Form 7

I also updated Sensitive Tag Cloud, which allows navigating content based on tags which apply to the current view, rather then just showing a huge mess of tags.

Lastly, thanks to the fine folks at providing a data feed, I now have an up-to-date listing of the most recently added items in my for-sale list in the sidebar, and I only slightly feel like a whore.

Feedback on any/all is appreciated!

A bunch of WordPress tweaks

I made a ton of relatively minor changes, articles are now crosslinking based on topical content, automatically tagging, plus a few other cosmetic clean-ups to the theme.

My items for-sale are loaded more-or-less dynamically on the sidebar, feel free to buy my stuff.  I’ve also added back the “Interesting Links”, which is a short list of news articles I find interesting enough to share, but not interesting enough to blog about.

Feedback is appreciated!  Any features/data overwhelming?   Under whelming?  Should I shut up about the meta stuff and stop tweaking?

Another long night

Friday night I went to bed early, with the theory being I’d fall asleep quickly since I haven’t gotten a ton of sleep the last few nights, then I could get up early.

So at the crack of 2pm I got up.  Hmm, not quite the plan… So instead I spent the night going through a few bins of stuff I’ve got kicking around in my office, throwing out about half the junk, getting the rest up for sale.  Once I get the bins cleaned up, I’ll attack my desk, then I might actually declare my office clean.  ish.

That’s 43 new items up for sale.  Sweet!  You should buy stuff!

I also took the time to clean up my WordPress tag list a little, combine some tags more logically, plus I’m now using the Simple Tags plug-in, which is, quite frankly, awesome.

Another bonus, Mah Lori will back home today!  She’s been off in Vancouver for a coaching thing…